Book Design
Making Your Mark: A Collection of Stories
A collaborative project with Claude Caswell (Professor of Creative Writing, MECA), the brief entailed collecting all the stories from the Creative Writing class, designing a concept, laying out the book and actually producing two copies of a hard-cover book (from printing to hand-stitched binding to cover creation.) I realized how each student left an indelible mark behind them through their writing. Some were serious while others playful. In a humorous way, I thought of how dogs mark their own territory. As a lot of these stories, to me, showed these students marking their territory, I used this metaphor as a design aesthetic, thus the red fire hydrant cover and the golden yellow colors. I had each writer sign their names as well as the title of the story. I wanted to make an actual mark with their names so I used the laser cutter to create section dividers on glossy card stock. The titles of the stories were oversized on the page and overlaid on the stories themselves. Using InDesign's book feature, and creating a grid-system, I carefully laid out each story binding them all together using a hand sewn coptic-stitch.
Student Work, 2017
Hard Cover, Coptic Stitch
191 Pages
8.5" x 10”
Hard Cover, Coptic Stitch
191 Pages
8.5" x 10”

Other Books
Throughout my career at Maine College of Art, book creation was a big part of the curriculum. I learned various methods of book creation, binding and design. I loved creating these various books, both by myself and in collaboration with my fellow graphic design students.